At least in one universe, the United States of America were involved in World War II. They had a Space Force. (PROSE: The New Mission)
In another universe, Junter once attempted to take over the world by sending an assassin back in time to kill the first President of the “U.S.”. (COMIC: MechaGiantJunterling)
In one universe, Jenny Everywhere and Laura Drake lived “somewhere in America”. (PROSE: Feagment: Superb Owl)
In one universe, by the time humanity was expanding into the rest of the Solar System “the federal government of the United States of America” was officially a subsidiary of the Altern Corporation. (PROSE: Extradimensional Experiments)
In one universe, Rhode Island, a state in the USA, existed, and contained Quahog. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere meets Peter Griffin)