Terry Tornado was an American TV star-turned-superheroine from Reality Z-25 31-H. She was a friend of Professor Madison and Captain Evening.
Physical appearance[]
Terry was a tall and muscular blond-haired woman. She wore distinctive star-shaped earrings; her tank top was also adorned with stars, and her trousers had vertical stripes, giving her an overall look reminiscent of the American flag. (COMIC: Terry Tornado and the Teleporter)
Terry was helpful and outgoing, not being afraid to help test dangerous new inventions. She had a certain sci-fi pop-culture literacy which she tried to apply to scientific shenanigans in the real world, not necessarily to good effects. (COMIC: Terry Tornado and the Teleporter)
Early life[]
At some point, Terry befriended Captain Evening, who considered her a close enough ally to be part of his computer's Omega Protocol which allowed him to notify and summon all his “hero buddies” in case of an emergency. (COMIC: Singularity War)
Testing the teleporter[]

Terry Tornado and Professor Madison work on a set of teleporting booths. (COMIC: Terry Tornado and the Teleporter)
Terry Tornado once agreed to help Professor Madison test a new set of teleporting cabinet she had invented. Inspired by The Fly, Terry took care to be the only thing in the first cabinet when she dematerialised, to the point of having taken off her superhero costume for fear of merging with it. There was no problem of this nature, but the machine still malfunctioned, with Terry inexplicably rematerialising not in the second teleporting booth but inside the neighbours' refrigerator — where her sudden appearance startled a man who was only trying to get some beer, as well as causing confusion with his wife Gladys, who understandably jumped to the conclusion that there was something between her husband and the strange woman. (COMIC: Terry Tornado and the Teleporter)
The Singularity War[]

Terry and Mysto the Space-Wizard agree to help. (COMIC: Singularity War)
While Kelly and Jenkins were being hunted by the Bureau of Singularity, they managed to capture the Pool Portal and bring it to Professor Madison at the Fortress of Evening. The Captain himself, while otherwise engaged at the time, advised Madison to activate the Omega Protocol. Terry received the call and agreed to aid with the assault on the Nexus of Realities. After they made their way through the Portal, she joined Mysto the Space-Wizard, Kelly and Rodney Rabbit in a direct attack on the Bureau's forces (meant to serve as a distraction while Jenkins and Madison made their way to Floor 239 to confront the Director of Singularity).
They did not fare very well in the battle, with the exception of Kelly, but the raid succeeded thanks to Madison and Jenkins, who managed to bluff the Director into signing a binding contract not to interfere with Reality Z-25 31-H ever again. Once everyone was back home, Terry said her goodbyes before heading off to resume her day job as a model, having agreed to appear in some Boflex™ commercials. (COMIC: Singularity War)
A short time later, Terry Tornado was among the heroes Captain Evening invited to a big party at the Fortress of Evening. She enjoyed some of the grilled steak alongside Merv the Griffin, being surprised by her first sight of the griffin in the flesh. (COMIC: Meanwhile, On Earth)
Fighting the Cosmic Solution[]
When Robot Madison summoned as many heroes as she could to fight the Cosmic Solution robot when it attacked New York, Terry Tornado was among the first to respond, alongside Mysto the Space-Wizard. She was part of the first charge against the robot, but the strategy soon proved worse than useless as the robot absorbed the energy from any impact and used it to grow in size. After the Odds joined the scene, she helped keep the robot contained without hitting it further while a plan was worked out. In the end, the robot left of its own accord after being ordered to do so by another agent of the Cosmic Order. (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery)
The reign of the New Protectors[]

Terry Tornado in the crowd of heroes converging on city hall as seen on Hero Hour. (COMIC: Season of the Witch)
When the New Protectors began calling for independent superheroes to join up with them, Terry Tornado was seen in footage broadcast on Hero Hour among the various New York City-based heroes who headed to the city hall in good earnest, little expecting that within the day, the Protectors would slide from this voluntary sign-up to declaring independent superheroes to be outlaws overnight. (COMIC: Season of the Witch)
Recurring elements of The Cosmic Beholder | ||||||||||