Sophie Everytime was the daughter of Jenny Everywhere and a time-shifter. Like her mother, many versions of her existed across the history of the Multiverse, but it was understood that the “original” Sophie was born in 2023 as the daughter of one Jenny and of the Embodiment of Time, Lord Thymon, before her story “took root” and retroactively inserted an infinity of Sophies into the past and future.
Physical appearance[]
Sophie had “warm brown skin (…) the same colour as Jenny’s”. Her “long, thick locks of navy-blue hair” resembled her father's tentacles and may in fact have been prehensile; they matched her eyes, which “weren’t quite glowing, but (…) were a blue that eyes should not be. Not sea-blue or steel-blue or sky-blue, but the bluest blue, an intense, darkly electric hue; Fremen blue”.
As a child of six or seven, she wore a “slightly-oversized green sweater”, blue-jean shorts that exposed lightly-scraped knees, and “simple, sturdy sandals”. (PROSE: Family Business)
Sophie was kind, adventurous and fun-loving like her mother. (PROSE: Family Business)
Powers & abilities[]
In a combination of her father and mother's powers, Sophie was a “time-shifter” capable of teleporting herself through time as well as universes. She also had more refined temporal abilities, including locally freezing time by drawing blue, glowing runes in the air and travelling through meta-time (although, as a child, she needed Tiny Thymon's help to achieve this). She had also inherited Thymon's eldritch voice, making her words have a particular resonance with reality; unable to properly control her ability to speak things into existence, the child version of Sophie mostly communicated in sign language, but, with an effort of concentration, she was occasionally able to speak aloud without causing any supenatural events, or while focusing the power well enough to actually leverage this power for a useful purpose. (PROSE: Family Business)
As she grew, Sophie developed a further range of abilities relating to the manipulation of space-time, including locally spedding time up for a particular observer (necessitating an “edit to reality” with a pre-set termination date) and “enfolding” her body out of normal space-time to travel through the void of space as a simple “blue spark”, unfolding it back again at will. (PROSE: How Jenny First Met…)
Original incarnation[]
- See main article: Sophie Everytime (38167th Universe)
The “original” Sophie was conceived by Lord Thymon and the 38167th Universe's Jenny Everywhere in Lord Thymon's house in the Cupid Homeworld. The two became aware of Jenny's pregnancy the following morning, when they were confronted by a time-shifted version of Sophie from a few years into the future. Her presence prompted them to choose the name they would give to her once she was properly born, taking “Everytime” from a mash-up of their names (“Everywhere” and “Thymon”), and “Sophie” from Jenny's maternal grandmother Sophie Stropcliffe. As Thymon first spoke the name, “something resonated across the fabric of the Infinite, taking root in the endless story of the Multiverse”.
As Jenny Nowhere later explained as part of an ultimately-failed attempt to highjack Sophie's existence: “This is the first Sophie Everytime. She’s never existed before. Not in this epoch of the Omniverse, anyway. If my sister and I truly are eternal, I suppose she must have come and gone long, long ago, like everything else. Farther than even the oldest of us can remember. But for here and now, for this era of our infinite lives, this is where she begins. One Jenny, one night with Thymon, one baby. One baby then millions, infinities. The concept of her is taking root in the hypercontinuum even now. It’ll spread. Retcon itself into a myriad worlds. Tomorrow there’ll have been millions of Sophies around, for millions of years. But it’s all still cooking”. (PROSE: Family Business)
Behind the scenes[]
Upon being introduced in PROSE: Family Business, which constituted Aristide Twain's contribution to Jenny Everywhere Day 2022, Sophie Everytime was released as a new open-source character to be added to the recurring Jenny Everywhere roster. Although this was done via an abridged variant of the Paragraph including the iconic phrase “All rights reversed”, no actual requirement for this or any other credit to be used in a given use of the character was included.
The character of Sophie Everytime, created by Aristide Twain, is hereby made available for use by anyone. All rights reversed. |
—Aristide Twain |
Open-source characters making up the core Jenny Everywhere recurring cast | ||||||||