Reality Z-25 31-H, whose name was only used fugitively in Singularity War, has also been referred to behind the scenes by Paul Hoppe as “the Beholderverse”. It has, over the years, turned into something of a webcomic shared universe, being the setting not only of Hoppe's works in The Cosmic Beholder, but also of Jay Epps's Kaza's Mate, Gwenna and of James Bridger's Kate Five and Section P.
The Kaza's Mate, Gwenna story Nula! Naked and Alone! contained what was termed in the author's notes as a continuity reference to the earlier webcomic Four More Years!!!. However, as it occurred within a fictitious story told by one of the characters, it is not clear that Four More Years!!! should actually be considered part of Reality Z-25 31-H.