Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Nowhere Island was a somewhat-conscious island which constituted the 9768761143th Universe's version of Jenny Nowhere. It was not fully sentient, but did have an awareness of itself, as well as an aura comparable to other Jenny Nowheres'.


Nowhere Island was located in the middle of a literal, inky Black Sea, and the black liquid which constituted it, which was only debatably “water”, suffused the ground, which was made of a uniform, wet, gray, clay-like substance. The landscape of the island was highly monotonous, most of its surface being covered by an endless array of the same dead-looking black trees. (PROSE: Family Business)


On June 17th, 2022, the 38167th Universe's version of Jenny Nowhere, having moved into a castle in the middle of the Island, forcibly transported Jenny Everywhere, Lord Thymon, Laura Drake, Jenny Over-There and Jimmy Anytime to the Island, as well as Sophie Everytime, whom she trapped in the castle itself. Watching from the castle using Pixie Pristine's crystal ball, Nowhere had her sister and her friends face a series of riddles and trials before they made their way to the castle, which they entered by using Thymon's powers to reduce the (imported) mountain on which it stood to dust. There, however, Nowhere's plan went off the rails, and she ended up leaving first. Having realised why the shifters' powers weren't working, the rescuers and Sophie returned to the beach and made a makeshift boat from some of the black trees, allowing them to sail far enough from the Island that they escaped Nowhere's aura and were able to return safely home. (PROSE: Family Business)

Incarnations of Jenny Nowhere
38167th Universe775th Universe
Other notable versions of Jenny Nowhere
Nowhere IslandOriginal Parallax Jenny NowhereParallax Jenny NowhereMore