Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Lord Thymon was originally the Embodiment of Time in the Void Between Worlds. He was also known as He Whose Breath Consumes Eternity. The “right pronunciation” of his name was better rendered as “ṯ̴̡̅͆H̸̗͎͊YM̵͔͌́͜o̷̦̎n̸̻̔́”.


Physical appearance[]

Lord Thymon's most striking characteristic was his single, great eye, “gleaming like a cold star from a sunken socket that was more of an abyss into eternity”. The rest of his body was made up of blue tentacles, giving him the air of a floating jellyfish; (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving) these tentacles comprised “666,666,667.6667 dexterous arms”, and he had “as many quintessential neuron clusters”. When he breathed heavily due to making an effort of strength, his breath was once seen to “stain the ceiling electric-blue”. (PROSE: Magic Trick) Aside from his eye, he had a single visible organ, a pulsing, purple heart. His voice was like “a thousand shrieking bells”. (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving)

However, Thymon was also prone to wearing silly hats, somewhat lessening the scariness of his appearance. He was already wearing a tall hat similar to a band leader when he was first summoned to the Cupid Homeworld. (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving) Thymon actually had a great variety of Cupid Post Office hats, which were indistinguishable to the naked eye but had minute variations in molecular pattern that only a few beings could perceive. (PROSE: Family Business)


Lord Thymon was originally an imperious and irritable guardian of the Void. He considered intrusions into it offensive to his person, and also looked unkindly on Reality Bombs. (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving)

After he was romanticised, however, a mellowed Lord Thymon displayed a surprisingly benign personality compared to his status and appearance, although he was, by the same token, often naively oblivious to the way his appearance and abilities impacted those around him, (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker) though not completely. His standards of beauty were such that he actually found many conventionally-“cute” things, like fluffy white rabbits, quite horrifying. (PROSE: Magic Trick) He collected hats, and wore one on his head at all times. He was inexplicably fond of Thymon Plushies, small stuffed replicas of him created by Madame Tarsa. (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker)

However, he retained a degree of irritability and smugness, getting on poorly with other time-manipulators whom he perceived as poor imitations of a being like him, such as Jimmy Anytime. (PROSE: Family Business)

Powers & abilities[]

Lord Thymon had the ability to detect alterations to the fabric of the Multiverse, being born of the Void itself. He could travel between realities at will, (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving) including while taking large numbers of other individuals with him, (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine) and open permanent portals using “dark spells”; (PROSE: Larrikin and the Christmas Pudding) similarly, he was shown to possess the ability to banish beings into the Void by “muttering an eldritch chant”, causing his eye to glow. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries) He was telepathic and could reverse time at will, “undoing” events so that only himself and those around him would remember the prior course of time. (PROSE: Magic Trick) Using hovering glyphs and eldritch chants, he could do this highly locally to heal an individual without erasing their memories of sustaining the injury. (PROSE: Family Business)

Thymon was also notorious for his ability to breathe fire. On one occasion, he disintegrated a Reality Bomb by turning it into a shower of confetti which, on closer examination, each resembled a clock face. (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving)

Thymon once displayed the ability to project images of things he had seen on flat surfaces, with his eye acting as a projector. On the same occasion, he also claimed that he could have “shown [the Blue Feather] exactly what evil lies in the hearts of Cupids”, though the Blue Feather operatives left rather than witness what this would have entailed. (PROSE: Acquaintanceship-982 and the Missing Mail Mystery) Dandy-432 once speculated that Thymon may have possessed the power to raise the dead by singing. (PROSE: The Frost King's Treasure)

Thymon's powers were dependent on time energy of some sort existing around him, and he was powerless in situations where time had been frozen by forces other than himself. (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving)



According to Jenny Everywhere their origins were disputed; some believed that they arose in the Void out of the amalgamated perceptions of all its other dwellers, while others claimed that they had once resided in a specific universe from which they had been banished, subsequently imposing their own perception on everyone else. However it came about, however, the perceptions of the three Embodiments of the Void provided a “consensus reality” experienced by all who travelled through the Void, thus allowing for permanent constructs inside the Void, such as the Interdimensional Tavern and the Interdimensional Hotel, to arise. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)

Thymon was the brother of Lady Spatium, the Embodiment of Space, and Squire Psykha, the Embodiment of Thought. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) He claimed to have had a mother, who called him “Thymey”. (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving) In fact, at any one time, three Shapechildren, birthed by Lady Spatium, existed, any one of them ready to specialise themselves and take over if one of the three adult Embodiments was incapacitated. This meant that for any given Psykha and Thymon, “Lady Spatium”, in different iterations, was both a sister and a mother. (PROSE: Family Business)

During his impromptu lecture on the nature of the Multiverse, Doctor Sigma regretted not finding the time to mention Thymon. (COMIC: The Beginner's Guide to Multiversal Theory)

Thymon once claimed to the the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids' Department of Festivities that he had once “[thrown] an enormous fright-themed party on the very concept of October 31, thus spreading said party, in various incarnations, across every occurrence of this date in the Multiversal timeline”. This was allegedly the reason why an inordinately high percentage of worlds had versions of Halloween. However, other dimensional scholars in the Multiverse who had noticed the phenomenon had other purported explanations. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)

Summoned to the Cupid Homeworld[]

Lord Thymon in Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving

Thymon as he appeared when summoned to the Cupid Homeworld for the first time. (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving)

The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids learned of Thymon's existence because he started breathing fire at Cupids traversing the Void, due to objecting to their constant back-and-forth dimension-hopping. The Cupids decided to try and do something to subdue or destroy the entity; when the Department of Impossible Things did not feel up to the task, it was transferred to Pythagoras-858's Department of Problem-Solving. After pondering the problem for some time, they lured Thymon to Lab 5 by threatening to detonate a Reality Bomb. They had previously filled the room with clocks, creating a temporal leeching effect that starved Thymon of time energy, binding him in place. Thymon attempted to intimidate the Cupids despite being on the metpahorical back foot, but Juliet-178, with remarkable audacity, shot a Cupid Arrow at his heart, successfully romanticising him and making him undyingly loyal to the Crew. (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving)

The matter was one of the last news from the Cupid Homeworld to reach Morningstar 1 before communications broke down entirely; Mandragora-257 took an interest in Pythe as a “fellow occultist”, later commending him for his working “helping to bind the demon Thymon”. (PROSE: The Resurrection of the Wellsians) It frustrated Bibliophile-962, who had already written an entry for Thymon in the Book of Evil; he decided to keep it in with a note that it was obsolete, so as not to see his work wasted, but this resulted in many false alarms as Cupids pointlessly reported “sightings” of the mollified abomination to the Cupid Parliament as matters of great emergency. (PROSE: The Book of Evil)

Joining the Department of Postal Services[]

Lord Thymon in Whatever Happened to Lord Thymon?

New beginnings. (COMIC: Whatever Happened to Lord Thymon?)

Although they had initially planned to send the pacified Thymon back to the Void, (PROSE: Lord Thymon and the Department of Problem-Solving) his newfound love for the Cupids was so great that he deserted his responsibilities and moved to the Cupid Homeworld permanently, (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) moving to a big, gothic house. (PROSE: Family Business) The Cupids put him to work at the Cupid Post Office. Although this initially bemused him, (COMIC: Whatever Happened to Lord Thymon?) he greatly improved the Post Office's efficiency, (PROSE: Marksmanship-522 and the Multi-Dimensional Race) and settled gracefully into his new job at the Department of Postal Services, using his many tentacles to become a more efficient “assistant mail-sorter” than any Clockwork Cherub could hope to be. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)

On April 29th, 2019, Thymon was still a new addition to the Cupid Homeworld, and largely mistrusted. The Blue Feather interviewed him when investigating the theft of a mailbag, finding him in the delivery wing, where he was picking up bags of mail. After convincing them that he was innocent, chiding them for accusing him simply because he was a demon, Thymon informed them that he had seen Marksmanship-522 at the Post Office earlier the same day. He did not yet know Marksmanship's name at the time, instead showing them an image of the Cupid he'd seen which the Blue Feather recognised as Marksmanship. Although Marksmanship was not the culprit either, the testimony they gathered from him after tracking him down did help them in ultimately cracking the mystery. (PROSE: Acquaintanceship-982 and the Missing Mail Mystery)

Acclimating to the Cupid Homeworld[]

While still acclimating to his new life in the Cupid Homeworld, Thymon gave a free seminar at the Department of Motivational Speaking, entitled How to Earn a Steady Living by Crushing Universes Beneath Your Proverbial Feet and Casting their Residents Into the Void of Swirling Oblivion. The event was announced in advanced in Issue 1020 of The Cupid Courier. (PROSE: New Warehouse To Be Constructed In The Homeworld)

Thymon had just finished sorting all the mail currently in his care in neat piles and creates, bringing him great satisfaction, when Pessimist's Fog Ship, which had been commandeered by Head Assistant Researcher Darius of the Drove of the Database-Compiling Dromedaries, crashed into the room. As he bounded out of the Ship, Darius knocked over all of Thymon's neatly-arranged piles and creates. Much as the sentient Fog Ship had anticipated when picking this particular location to land, an irate Thymon used his powers to banish Darius out of the Cupid Homeworld and into the Void. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries)

At some later point, Pessimist's Fog Ship got his assent, as well as CS-NA's, to make a request to the Copper-Colored Council of Elders via the Cupid Suggestion Box on behalf of “all” the non-Cupid members of the Crew, asking for them to get every other week off work. The Elders agreed to put it to vote before the Parliament, given the low-stakes nature of the request. Thymon himself also placed his own suggestion in the Suggestion Box, proposing to invite some friends of his, fellow eldritch abominations, to the Homeworld. The request was vigorously denied. Also around the same time, Conspiracy-1263 acquired a belief that the entire idea of the Multiverse as a hoax, which entailed the idea that Thymon was really an animatronic fake created to sell the story; he wrote about this in yet another note left in the Suggestion Box around that time. (PROSE: The Cupid Suggestion Box)

“Several months” later, when Cupids Pessimist-242 and Larrikin-1029 met Madame Tarsa and ruined her plans to market Toy Cupids, Larrikin attempted to make up for the bad turn they'd dealt her by suggesting a different new product: plush effigies of Thymon. Pessimist was characteristically pessimistic about the line's chances of being a commercial success, (PROSE: The Toymaker's Labyrinth) but they turned out to be a hit, with an unknown party within the Cupid Homeworld somehow ordering large numbers of them and getting them conveyed to the Homeworld without the Department of Postal Services' involvement. The mystery got an article in Issue 1034 of The Cupid Courier, where Philatel-426 speculated that Thymon himself was the one purchasing and summoning them. Thymon, however, could not be reached for comment by the Cupid journalists, as he was working on his own stamp collection, and there was an alternative theory, with Dandy-432 speculating that Larrikin was the one ordering them to ensure that his suggestion became a success, having made it a point of pride. Larrikin could not be reached for comment either because he ran from the journalists when they approached him, refusing to “confess” to anything.

Elsewhere in the same issue of the Courier, Thymon was quoted approving of the recent Cupid Parliament ruling that non-Cupid inhabitants of the Homeworld would start officially getting monthly days off, stating that he would be able to use them to visit his sister Lady Spatium, whom he had been unable to contact since coming to live in the Homeworld because the Department of Postal Services did not handle deliveries beyond the Homeworld. (PROSE: Conspiracy-1263 Publicly Accuses the Gang of the Green Gorillas)

The Rabbit Invasion[]

Thymon was diligently working in the Cupid Post Office when the magic rabbits summoned by the Hat started to make themselves known in the first stages of the “Rabbit Invasion”. Given his standards of reference for cuteness and normality, he found the creatures utterly ghastly and ran out of the building in terror. Subsequently, he used his powers to hold off the tidal wave of rabbits long enough for the Department of Problem-Solving and himself to take refuge in a warehouse. They stayed there for three days as the Cupids tried to think of a solution, with Thymon himself keeping himself entertained by playing with a Thymon Plushy. Eventually, the Cupids summoned Aphrodite (who did not care for Thymon, thinking of him as the sort of entity whom Zeus would have cast into Tartarus in the old days, but did not voice this discomfort explicitly or otherwise pick a fight). After Aphrodite foolishly opened the doors, causing a wave of rabbits to pour in, Thymon used his powers to reverse time by a few seconds to undo this foolish act. Now realising the gravity of the situation, Aphrodite was able to use her powers to make the rabbits and the Hat vanish. (PROSE: Magic Trick) In the aftermath of this “Rabbit Invasion”, Thymon had to defend his friends of the Department of Haberdashery from accusations that the Hat had been one of theirs, putting Thymon at odds with Colonel-028. (PROSE: The Cupid Parliament Destroyed?)

Halloween 2019[]

On Halloween 2019, Thymon helped with the festivities, sticking paper cutouts in the shapes of bats to the walls of the Department of Postal Services' building using “unknowable eldritch powers, and also tape”. After the Spirit Realm Gateway broke and allowed the Great Ghost's legion into the Homeworld, the Cupids were all teleported to the Interdimensional Tavern by the Cupid Prime using the Emergency Transport Button. He followed them there by his own means, trying to “warn” them about the spirits, and ended up transporting them back when they realised they had to stop the spirits from stealing a flotilla of Fog Ships, though this realisation came too late to actually stop them. When the ghosts returned to abduct Frankenstein-818, Thymon tried to hold them back by speaking an eldritch incantation which caused a sustain beam of force to shoot out of his eye, but it was matched by the collective psionic power of the spirits and he ended up being the one to yield, having “forgotten the next word of the incantation” because he hadn't dare practice them, as he used to, in the Homeworld, for fear of causing damage to the structure of its reality. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)

Late 2019[]

Lord Thymon in HaberDASHING!

Having materialised in a Prime Universe hat shop, Thymon struggles to make his benign intentions clear. (COMIC: HaberDASHING!)

Some time later, he visited a haberdashery in the Prime Universe; his appearance (in both senses of the word) caused a panic despite his best efforts to appear non-threatening and clarify that he simply wanted to buy a hat. (COMIC: HaberDASHING!)

Lord Thymon in Peace and Quiet

Thymon hard at work in the Post Office. (PROSE: Peace and Quiet)

While working in the Cupid Post Office, Thymon later stumbled on the mailbag in the Mail Pickup Wing, inside which Marksmanship-522 had ended up hiding in an effort to finally get some peace and quiet somewhere in the Homeworld. Fearing that Marksmanship was dead and he was looking at an attempt to conceal a murder, Thymon touched Marksmanship, startling him out of his slumber and forcing him to go seek out somewhere else to sleep.

After he left, Thymon decided to try sleeping in a mailbag, quickly drifting to sleep and “presumably creating several new dream-universes in the process” — only to be found by Philatel-426, who similarly wondered if he was dead as history repeated itself. (PROSE: Peace and Quiet)

Lord Thymon and Retconning Crocodile

A Retconning Crocodile prostrates itself before a baffled Thymon. (COMIC: Time-Out)

At some point, a member of the Collective of the Retconning Crocodiles found his way to the Cupid Homeworld and bumped into Thymon, the first the Crocodiles' discovered of Thymon's presence in the Homeworld. The Crocodile tried to act as an obedient servant to the “Great Time God”, only for a bemused Thymon to demonstrate his change of heart by telling the Crocodile that they did not have much to say to one another unless the Crocodile needed some mail delivered. (COMIC: Time-Out)

2019 Christmas season[]


Thymon gets into the spirit of the season. (COMIC: …And A Thymey New Year!)

During the December Festival of Giving, Thymon was seen working on creating a portal to an unidentified dimension using a “dark spell” somewhere on the Mainland Cloud. This portal was one of several improbable hazards Larrikin-1029 had to dodge when he delivered a Christmas pudding from the Department of Baked Goods' building to the Department of Documentation's break room. (PROSE: Larrikin and the Christmas Pudding)

When Lord Nachtos briefly materialised in the Homeworld, Thymon locked himself in the Department of Postal Services' building out of fear at the mere sight of him, though Nachtos's bellicose intentions were quickly turned around by Celebration-665. (PROSE: The Copper-Colored Cupids go Caroling) Subsequently he tried his own hand at singing Christmas carols, though he was soon to cut it out as the sound of his voice was beginning to literal wake the dead. (COMIC: …And A Thymey New Year!)

After the Rifts Crisis[]

When Lord Thymon fell asleep somewhere and dreamt, he tended to wake up to smoking ruins overrun with terrors plucked frm his subconscious as he slumbered, which was inconvenient. He once stayed at the Interdimensional Hotel and noted that he could sleep there with no harmful effects on his surroundings. (PROSE: Rifts Crisis Officially Over!)

Meeting Jenny Everywhere[]

At some point prior to December 2020, Lord Thymon had accumulated so many of Madame Tarsa's Thymon Plushies in one of his magical closets that the Cupid Parliament had to declare a state of emergency after someone foolhardily opened said closet, causing a tidal wave of plushies to spill out. Nevertheless, Thymon hoped to receive some more Thymon Plushies for Christmas, as he had a project of using each one as a support for one of the many, many hats in his collection, allegedly to ensure that the hats would not be lonely even when he wasn't wearing them. He was telling Philatel-426 about this when Jenny Everywhere walked into the Post Office with Juliet-178 and Arganthone-056, not wanting to miss her chance to personally meet one of the Embodiments as long as she was in the Homeworld (where Juliet and Arganthone had brought her to look for information on Tarsa in the Cupid Archives). The two spoke briefly and seemed to get along. (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker) Subsequently, Jenny and Thymon began texting regularly. (COMIC: A Shift in Relationships)

April 1st, 2021[]

Back in the Homeworld, Thymon was asked by Rosen-035 on April the 1st, 2021 to send some letters out into the Multiverse as quickly as possible. Seeing how concerned Rosen was, Thymon used some of his supernatural abilities to teleport them instantly to their destinations, something he only did rarely (despite how easily it came to him) so as not to make the mail-carrier Cupids redundant. The letters were warnings about the Faction of the Fooling Fish. (PROSE: Multiversal Mischief)

December 2021[]

At the Christmas party organised in December 2021 in the Cupid Homeworld by CS-NA, Thymon met Jenny Everywhere for the second time, with Jenny giving him a present. The two got into a conversation about the theoretical ins and outs of shifting which Thymon found very interesting. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)

Romance with Jenny[]

Eventually, Thymon's long-distance friendship with Jenny Everywhere blossomed into an unexpected romance. One day, Jenny materialised in the Cupid Homeworld, surprising Pythagoras-858, and revealed to him that she was here to meet with Thymon. (COMIC: A Shift in Relationships) They went on five subsequent dates. On the seventh of their dates, the two went on a “scenic jaunt” along the shore of the Chronon Sea. Returning to the Cupid Homeworld together, they had dinner for two in the Great Hall of Thymon's house. After the meal, they suggested, half in jest, that he take her up to his bedroom; though this was his first time engaging in such activities with a human, he agreed, to her surprise, and ended the day on that enjoyable note, falling asleep together in Thymon's bed.

The next morning, Jenny woke up later than Thymon, whom she found already preparing breakfast, having set aside star whale butter to go on her toast, to her delight. However, their breakfast plans were derailed by the appearance of a strange little girl with blue, tentacle-like hair and glowing eyes, who they quickly deduced was the daughter they'd conceived that very night, who'd shifted back in time to meet them. Dipping into the Infinite for a few minutes to talk privately, they agreed on a name, Sophie Everytime, and settled on a plan to take opportunity of this event to introduce the time-shifted child to their respective loved ones in advance.

With Sophie agreeing to the plan, the trio visited Jenny's comet partner from the 659433585786388480th Universe, Comet Theta. Next up was Thymon's sibling Squire Psykha, who was much less pleased with the news, harshly judging their brother for neglecting his duties as an Embodiment in favour of “cavorting with the flesh”, and refusing to recognise Sophie as family. At Sophie's suggestion, they then visited another one of Jenny's partners, Pixie Pristine, in another universe. After visiting her in her dressing room, they attended and greatly enjoyed the fae-turned-pop-star's concert.

As Sophie was getting tired, Jenny and Thymon agreed to only visit one more person — Thymon's sister Lady Spatium — before heading home for the night. However, their shift was highjacked by Jenny Nowhere, who transported them to Nowhere Island in the 9768761143th Universe; she drew Sophie apart from Thymon and Jenny, directly imprisoning the girl in her Castle of Nowhere in the centre of the island while Jenny and Thymon fell into the literal Black Sea that surrounded it. Jenny divested herself of her shoes in an effort not to sink, but quickly lost consciousness, and had to be carried to shore and revived by Thymon. Finding that their powers weren't working, the two set out into the gray forest ahead.

Eventually, they found another old friend, Jimmy Anytime, who'd been trapped for days in a pit mockingly signposted by a literal signpost reading ‘DROP IN ANYTIME’. Anytime informed them that Jenny Nowhere was behind this and joined them as they continued their quest. Further inland, they were confronted with a boiling lake concealing a huge, mechanical Lava Drake. Deducing that the inscription identifying the mechanoid as such must be a mocking riddle just like the ‘Anytime’ one, Jenny was able to climb onto the robot — though she sustained some burns which she relied on Thymon's burns to heal once it was downed — and alter the inscription to “Laura Drake”, causing the robot to deactivate itself and its chest-panel to slide open to revealed the trapped Laura Drake. Jenny freed her, and Laura explained that although she built the Lava Drake herself as the “Mark I Draconic Exosuit”, she wasn't in control during the preceding fight, with Nowhere having stolen and hacked the robot before intercepting one of Laura's “transport beams”, bringing her here, and trapping her inside the suit as a power source instead of a pilot.

After rejoining Jimmy and Thymon and introducing Thymon and Laura to one another, Jenny continued her journey, finding one final party-member, Jenny Over-There, tied to a tree with a signpost pointing in her direction, reading simply “OVER THERE”. Using her powers as the Finder, Over-There was able to confirm that Sophie was trapped in Nowhere's Castle and to point the group in the right direction. They found their way there, and, since the castle was at the top of a foreboding mountain, Thymon used his time-acceleration powers to level the mountain, turning it into so much dust. Though displeased by this development, Nowhere invited the heroes into her Great Hall before shifting chains onto the humans and trapping Thymon in a Prism. After going over her history at Over-There's insistence, she explained her plan to use a modified version of the Dimensional Consciousness Maximizer, now called the Identity Dispersal System, to forcibly connect Sophie to the deleterious telepathic networks of Jenny Nowheres, erasing her identity and turning her into just another Jenny Nowhere in revenge for the part Nowhere felt Jenny had played in turning her sister into Nowhere.

Nowhere activated the machine, but it did not work as expected due to Sophie's self-confidence, bolstered by her parents' love throughout the day, far exceeding Nowhere's angst-ridden strength of character. While Nowhere's mind took over Sophie's body, Sophie's own mind, instead of being erased, took possession of Nowhere's vacant one. Breaking down crying due to the combination of her failure and of this new body's immature brain chemistry, Nowhere-in-Sophie's-body agreed to switch back after Sophie volunteered the knowledge her original name back to her (having, in her past but the relative future, been told by Jenny and Thymon, who remembered these events, to travel back in meta-time to find it out). During her time in the Nowhere psychic network, Sophie had realised the reason that none of the adults' powers were working right on the Island: Nowhere Island was itself an incarnation of Jenny Nowhere, despite not really being sentient in a conventional sense, and her aura was cancelling out theirs. Thus, they realised that they simply had to build a boat and row out far enough from the shores.

After dropping Over-There, Jimmy and Laura home, Jenny and Thymon finally returned to the Cupid Homeworld with Sophie. Upset to have missed a day at the office, Thymon was shifted back in time to the morning by Sophie, who then hugged Jenny one more time before returning to her own time-zone. (PROSE: Family Business)


Jenny Over-There later recalled “that weird business with Jenny Everywhere and her blue noodle boyfriend (good for them)” as one of the peculiar misadventures which had dotted her first year of employment at the Multidimensional Finders Service. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: Wakey Wakey)

Behind the scenes[]


Lord Thymon is one of the main protagonists of the The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids series, which has had many crossovers with elements of the Jenny Everywhere ‘mythos’.

Notes & References[]

External links[]
