Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Reality Z-25 31-H, Kiana was a Natari woman who became a leading figure within the tribe, and the partner of George Wimberley.


Physical appearance[]

Kiana was a black woman with mid-length black hair which came down in bangs over her forehead. At the time of the Skull's attack on the village, she wore a green, sleeveless dress, a golden necklace, and a matching bracelet around her left wrist, but not her right. (COMIC: Nula! Naked and Alone!)


She one of three who showed an interest in George Wimberly after he helped subdue Nerkash the serpent, the others being Myoka Nabato and Nyota. (COMIC: The Serpent Sorceress)

Kiana, Nula and Wimberley abord the airship

Kiana aboard Professor Morag's airship alongside Nula and George Wimberley. (COMIC: Nula! Naked and Alone!)

A number of months later, she was visibly pregnant and appeared to have developed a lasting romantic bond with George Wimberley. After the Natari village was attacked by the Skull's men, the two led a group of survivors in an effort to get to the Koravi village, only to be captured by Professor Morag and taken by airship to the Kaitaran Temple where the villains had made their lair. (COMIC: Nula! Naked and Alone!)

External links[]

Notable elements of Kaza's Mate, Gwenna
Major Characters
GwennaKazaNulaCommissioner SmedleyGeorge Wimberly
Supporting Characters
CentenniaGanaJung-LaKianaLenore PeabodySerena PeabodySierraUzai
Alice MurattaGeneral MurattaMitchellNerlanaThe Serpent PriestThe SkullRo-ManMedea
Other characters
Android #709Jenny AnywhereThe Black OwlDanielle DavisGeorge DavisMiranda DavisNick DeForrestAndrea DoyleJenny EverywhereDeena HancockErnie MacGuffinFred “Junior” HancockThe Giant BadgerHerbie PopneckerMartha ElsworthMyoka NabatoNerkashCaptain NorangaNyotaSafraVan HornVincentElizabeth WimberlyZeb the Zebra
Kovari tribeLeague of ChampionsNatari tribeSerpent CultSisterhood
The Adventurers ClubAfricaBogana villageBurandaBuranda PassKoganaKogana RiverKoravi villageMacrobianaThe Naked JungleNatari villageObelisk of RangoraPort VictoriaTemple of the Serpent GodZamunda
Kooba Fruit PiesObelisk of RangoraSolomon's DiamondThemiscyran Throwing Necklace