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In one universe, Junter was a Lich Emperor. An expert magic-user, Junter had plans of world domination that were mostly hindered by his own idiosyncrasies and inability to stick to a task. Having no personal fortune, he lived in human lodgings, with his main henchman, the Vampire Ibdis, doubling as his roommate.


Physical appearance[]

Junter appeared as a thin young man with grayish skin and curly brown hair that went down to his waist. He had more rounded features than Ibdis, with rounded rather than pointed ears, and his face was sewn back together, with two large, diagonal seams bisecting it. As Lich Emperor, he wore a simple black robe with a brown belt whose buckle was carved to resemble a Junterling, as well as a pointy silver crown in-set with a large red gem. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond, PROSE: Meet the Undead)


Junter was presumptuous and self-centred, though rarely pompous or commanding. He was prone to sudden explosions of cheer and excitement, often in excess of what was warranted by his meager successes. Beneath this buffoonish exterior, however, he had a complicated past and remained scarred by his years' worth of erased memories from his younger days. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond) Although he was primarily motivated by a desire to take over the world, (COMIC: MechaGiantJunterling) he was, on a personal scale, less amoral and dangerous than Ibdis, opposing Ibdis's lethal feeding on humans. (COMIC: Playa’)

Powers & abilities[]

Junter was a highly capable spellcaster, capable of such feats as placing an entire apartment under Rune of Wanting. He had a flock of minions called Junterlings, flaming will-o'-the-wisps that were psychic projections of his own essence (usually reflecting his mood) but still able to act independently. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)


Early life[]

Junter overthrows Old Emperor

Junter overthrows his predecessor as Lich Emperor. (PROSE: Meet the Undead)

Junter studied magic at a “wizard academy” where he became embroiled in complex drama. Eventually, an unknown party erased his memories of these years of study, though not his magical knowledge itself, from his mind. When later rediscovering the truth about these events, Junter recognised the individual who he was now discovering was responsible for his missing memories. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)

Prior to becoming a Lich, Junter spent some time working as a lawyer, but wasn't very good at it. On one occasion, he tried to argue that a client had not actually dealt the purported victim a beating but merely “brief extreme hugs at specific places”, leading to the irate judge telling him to “get out of [their] court-room”. (COMIC: MechaGiantJunterling) At a later point, Junter, already a Lich, gained the title of Lich Emperor after poisoning the old Lich Emperor by putting mentos in his soda. (PROSE: Meet the Undead)

Attempts to take over the world[]

Junter in MechaGiantJunterling

Junter drops the Crystal Skull. (COMIC: MechaGiantJunterling)

Junter made multiple attempts to take over the world, all of which failed. They included two attacks on Tokyo with giant Junterlings (a mechanical one the second time around), an ill-fated attempt to “harness the power of the Crystal Skull” which ended when he dropped the Skull and shattered it, sending an assassin back in time to kill the first President of the United States, and multiple attempts to capture Pikachu. (COMIC: MechaGiantJunterling)

Rooming with Ibdis[]

Junter in Playa’

Junter realises what Ibdis is doing. (COMIC: Playa’)

At some point, Junter became roommates with the vampire Ibdis in an apartment in an ordinary human neighbourhood. He once returned home to find a tie on the doorknob; he was momentarily confused, as Ibdis didn't tend to go in for relationships of this sort, until he realised what was happening and burst in to find Ibdis feeding on a woman he had brought home. (COMIC: Playa’)

After ruminating on his past failures at taking over the world, (COMIC: MechaGiantJunterling) Junter launched a new scheme, kidnapping the Pope and bringing him back to the apartment in secret. However, this only served to attract the attention of a party of adventurers come to rescue the Pope, (COMIC: Adventurers and Heroes) calling themselves O.O.P. (COMIC: Look At His Dead Eyes) As their first plan, O.O.P. decided tried to infiltrate the apartment by sending in Bob (a sentient yellow helium balloon and rogue) disguised as a Junterling. The disguise was weak, however, and Junter saw right through it, as did a flock of three Junterlings hovering around him at the time. (COMIC: Pseudo Junterling) Their next plan was to have Ginger, their ranger, snipe Junter from a distance, but Gigner failed despite getting a clear shot due to being, by his own admission, “a really bad sniper”. (COMIC: Eyes of the Hawk)

Deciding to fight back, Junter set up a magical booby trap for Creed the Paladin in the form of a sword meant to fly up and dice him if he entered the corridor. However, as Ibdis was quick to point out, Junter had forgot to actually enchant the sword to do so, meaning the “booby trap” amounted to it just lying around uselessly. (COMIC: Back To The Drawing Board) When Creed shouted from the street at Junter, daring to come down and face the adventurers head-on, Junter punctured their confidence by pointing out their lack of ethnic and gender diversity to them, something which they had not previously noticed. (COMIC: You Disgust Me!) Thus, Junter managed to get O.O.P. to drop the case, only to walk back in to find the Pope gone. Ibdis awkwardly tried to claim that he had used his “holy powers” to escape, though in actual fact Ibdis had merely left the door open. (COMIC: Lack of Pope)

As (un)life returned to normal, Junter tried to use his and Ibdis's guillotine for something, but forgot how to operate it yet again, forcing him to ask Ibdis, interrupting his reading of 101 Ways to Belittle. (COMIC: Simple Logic) He also tried to prank Ibdis by pretending to be an intruder on the phone, with little success. (COMIC: Do You Like Horror Movies?)

The two then discovered that an “unspeakable horror” had taken over their bathroom following the transformation of the toilet bowl into an interdimensional portal. (COMIC: Evil Bathroom, Eldritch A-bowl-mination) At first, he tried to deal with the unspeakable horror by decorating it so as to try and make it into an inconspicuous element of the bathroom decor, but Ibdis was unimpressed, demanding a more permanent solution. (COMIC: Cthulhu Toilet)

Selling the apartment[]

Junter announces he wants to sell apartment

After placing a Rune of Wanting over the front door, Junter announces to Ibdis that he intends to sell the apartment. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)

After Junter failed to take care of the unspeakable horror that had taken over their bathroom, he and Ibdis decided to sell the apartment to a gullible buyer who would overlook the creature's presence, something Junter achieved by placing a Rune of Wanting over the threshold. However, with Mr Norman proving an instant sale and moving in immediately, the two were left without a place to spend the time, forced to remain in the streets. This bad luck was compounded by a sudden storm and the unexplained arrival of a pack of prowling hyenas. Nevertheless, the two managed to sleep through the night, only for Ibdis to be caught off-guard by the sunlight and catch fire, something which had never happened to him before. However, he quickly heals. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)

Visiting Kokotomo Island[]

Junter in A Letter From beyond

Junter finds out the truth about his past. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)

With Junter having found an interdimensional letter inviting the bearer to Kokotomo Island while fighting the unspeakable horror, the two soon headed to the Island in the magical white seaplane. Ibdis spent the trip criticising Junter for his rashness, while Junter himself was uneasy being in such close proximity to large numbers of superheroes. After they arrived, Ibdis had to stop Junter from attacking Gin, and generally making a fool of himself among the many odd, interdimensional visitors to the island.

Mr Montibar soon found the two, and sent Junter off to live out his fantasy: reliving his youth at the Wizard Academy where he studied magic so that he could discover the truth about the erased years of his past. He ended up uncovering the culprit for his erased memories, whose identity surprised and angered him, as well as a further secret which stunned him and which he said “explained everything”. Eventually, he met up with Ibdis again and they took the plane back home, with Montibar looking on, amused that neither of the two powerful undead beings had realised he was himself a vampiric entity. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)


Junter and Ibdis in Gargoyles and Daisies

Junter and Ibdis arrive at their new home. (COMIC: Gargoyles and Daisies)

Returning from their trip, Junter and Ibdis began looking for a new apartment. While Ibdis visited the Addams Mansion and Vampira, Junter met with Herman Munster. He politely complimented Munster's facial scars which resembled his own, though he was inwardly thrown by the fact that he and his vampire wife Lily had somehow produced a werewolf child in the form of Eddie. Ultimately, none of these options proved viable. (COMIC: Real Estate-Related Pun)

Staying at a dingy motel, (COMIC: Social Skills) they wasted some time editing recordings of their apartment-hunt into a montage. Eventually, Junter found a new home in a building allegedly filled with “quirky and interesting neighbours”. (COMIC: Social Skills) They indeed eventually moved there; the first impression given off by the building was a curious one, as it was adorned with stone gargoyles but one of them was holding a batch of flowers. (COMIC: Gargoyles and Daisies)
