Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Originally known as Miss Everton (first name unknown), one incarnation of Jenny Nowhere was native to the city of New Flaversham in the 38167th Universe. She was the sister of her corresponding Jenny Everywhere, and held her to be responsible for turning her into what she now was, thus being motivated principally by bitterness and revenge.


Physical appearance[]

In a picture of her as a twelve-year-old, long before she became Jenny Nowhere, she appeared as “a striking-looking twelve-year-old girl with long blonde hair, dressed all in white, smiling on a bright summer’s day”. As Nowhere, she was tall, though not unusually so, and her platinum-blond now went down to her waist. She was abstractly “beautiful”, but with impassive features and a general “aura of overwhelming inhuman evil” which made her off-putting instead of attractive. Her eyes were solid black with white pupils. She dressed the part of a villain, with “full black-leather regalia” including a cape, and even “evil eyeliner”. (PROSE: Family Business)


In her original identity, Jenny Everton's sister was, by her own later description, “normal” and “boring” compared to Jenny; “not fun, and (…) not creative, and (…) not even nice”, lacking “a good sense of humour”. She was straight and had a degree of prejudice against homosexuality typical of a somewhat straight-laced heterosexual girl in the 1970s. According to Jenny, her sister was “a glob of teenage self-doubt in a hoodie” long before she became Jenny Nowhere.

After becoming Jenny Nowhere, she was primarily motivated by her bitterness and vengefulness at having been turned into this new entity against her will, erasing her original identity and her chance at a normal life. Though prone to eccentricities and melodrama, she seemed to have few sources of genuine joy in her life, which only fueled her anger against her sister further. (PROSE: Family Business)

Powers & abilities[]

In her original identity, although she described herself as uncreative, Jenny's sister played the piano.

As usual for Jenny Nowhere, this incarnation had shifting powers matching her Everywhere's, able to travel freely from one world to the next and to transport others. She once made a frog appear in a girl's mouth from the other side of the room on a whim. She also displayed the ability to travel through a phoneline and to intercept other people's shifting and teleportation, redirecting them to her own domain.

By calling on her other selves' knowledge, she had a variety of skills including hypnosis and mad-science abilities such as creating clones with innate time-travelling powers, or hacking Laura Drake's mechanoids. (PROSE: Family Business)


Early life[]

This Jenny Nowhere originated in the mid-20th century (PROSE: Family Business) in the city of New Flaversham, Wintlevania in the 38167th Universe. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere Meets The Crew Of The Copper-Colored Cupids) An orphan of unknown origins, she was placed in an orphanage where, at an early age, she befriended another, slightly younger, dark-skinned girl called Jenny. The two were eventually adopted together by Molly Everton and her husband, with Jenny becoming “Jenny Everton”, such that the two girls thus officially became sisters. (PROSE: Family Business)

An old photograph from when Jenny's siter was twelve depicted the two at the beach, with Jenny wearing a dark green one-piece swimsuit and, incongruously, her scarf. Another showed the blonde-haired girl alone, smiling brightly, wearing all white. (PROSE: Family Business)

Becoming Nowhere[]

In 1973, while her sister continued practicing her piano-playing and fell in love with “a local boy”, Jenny Everton, who was in first year of college, developed romantic feelings for Laura Drake. Because of the interdimensional significance of the relationship between a Jenny Everywhere and a Laura Drake, their first kiss triggered an “interdimensional gizmo” Laura had been developing, the gizmotronic proton equalizer. Over the following months, Jenny started to get visions of her other lives and occasional “shifting fits”, but couldn't quite get a handle on her powers. Intrigued, Laura built the Dimensional Consciousness Maximizer, a device which gave its user a mental connection to 999 of their closest counerparts in the Multiverse. This allowed Jenny to connect once and for all to the telepathic network of all Jennies.

However, Laura then decided to use it for herself. She soon became addicted to borrowing knowledge from those 999 counterparts of hers, until Jenny grew concerned that the immoral worldview of some of the alternative Lauras she was communing with might be corrupting her. Since Laura wouldn't take her advice to be careful, Jenny got the idea to redirect her curiosity by suggesting that she try the machine on other people from their life, to see what they were like in other universes. The first people they persuaded to try it was Jenny's sister, not realising that she was fated to become their universe's Jenny Nowhere. In an instant, she was connected to “the miasma of all the Nowheres of all the worlds”, the power of Nowhere erasing her old identity, even physical records of her former name. As she felt it crowding in on her, Nowhere begged Jenny to switch off the machine, but, to her later regret, Jenny didn't comply, as she believed Nowhere was merely experiencing a momentary disorientation as Jenny had herself right before the “saw the Infinite” and became Jenny Everywhere once and for all. Subsequently, Nowhere became one of Jenny's nemeses. Like many other Nowheres, she adopted the name of “Jenny Nowhere” to replace her lost one, stealing Jenny's name in mocking retribution for Jenny Everywhere's existence causing the Nowheres to lose their own identities to become her “necessary reflection”. (PROSE: Family Business)

The two Jimmies[]

Jenny Everywhere once dated “a guy named Jimmy Wherever” for “a couple of weeks”. However, Jenny Nowhere, hungry for vengeance, kidnapped him and grew a clone of him with time-shifting powers, Jimmy Anytime. She hypnotised Anytime to believe he was the real Jimmy, then sent him back in time to before the start of Everywhere's relationship with Wherever, whom the clone murdered and replaced. Eventually, as Everywhere and Jimmy had tracked Nowhere down to her current lair in “an abandoned canned tuna factory at the edge of town”, Nowhere switched off the hypnotic conditioning and ordered Anytime to kill Everywhere. However, Anytime had developed real (if unreciprocated) feelings for Everywhere over those weeks, which remained even after the hypnosis fell away. Refusing to turn on her, he instead punched Nowhere, causing her to fall into a fishbone-grinder. Anytime subsequently believed that he had killed her, although Everywhere knew better. She let Jimmy down gently with regards to the possibility of a continued relationship, and remained friends with him despite the awkwardness of their situation. (PROSE: Family Business)

The Sophie Everytime plot[]

When she learned, by means unknown, that Jenny Everywhere and Lord Thymon were expecting a child in the form of Sophie Everytime, and that a time-shifted version of the child had manifested in Lord Thymon's house on June 17th, 2022, Nowhere devised a plan to get her revenge on Everywhere by forcibly connecting Sophie to the Jenny Nowhere mental network using the Identity Dispersal System, a device she had built by modifying the design of the original Dimensional Consciousness Maximizer. Phoning the Multidimensional Finders Service, she got the location of Pixie Pristine's crystal ball from Jenny Over-There and abducted Over-There to cover her tracks before stealing the said crystal ball and using it to coordinate the rest of her plan.

Intercepting their respective shifts or transport beams, Nowhere captured Jimmy Anytime, Laura Drake (and her Lava Drake mechanoid), and finally the trio of Jenny, Thymon and Sophie themselves, bringing them all to Nowhere Island in the 9768761143th Universe, where she had placed her Castle of Nowhere. Nowhere Island itself was technically another incarnation of Jenny Nowhere, meaning it had an aura which cancelled out the other shifters' powers, preventing them from escaping. She trapped Anytime, Laura and Over-There in situations set up as mocking riddles for Jenny, and watched from the Castle as they made their way through the island while she made the final preparations for her grand revenge, keeping Sophie in a birdcage until then. This involved laying out a pattern of Prisms on the floor of the Castle's great hall to channel the energies involved.

Once Thymon, Jenny and the others found Jenny Over-There, she was able to confirm that Sophie was trapped in Nowhere's Castle and to point the group in the right direction. They found their way there, and, since the castle was at the top of a foreboding mountain, Thymon used his time-acceleration powers to level the mountain, turning it into so much dust. Though displeased by this development, Nowhere invited the heroes into her Great Hall before shifting chains onto the humans and trapping Thymon in a Prism. After going over her history at Over-There's insistence, she explained her plan and then activated the machine, but it did not work as expected due to Sophie's self-confidence, bolstered by her parents' love throughout the day, far exceeding Nowhere's angst-ridden willpower. While Nowhere's mind took over Sophie's body, Sophie's own mind, instead of being erased, took possession of Nowhere's vacant one.

Breaking down crying due to the combination of her failure and of this new body's immature brain chemistry, Nowhere-in-Sophie's-body agreed to switch back after Sophie volunteered the knowledge her original name back to her (having, in her past but the relative future, been told by Jenny and Thymon, who remembered these events, to travel back in meta-time to find it out). She took off, gruffly admitting that Everywhere had “won this one”. (PROSE: Family Business)

Incarnations of Jenny Nowhere
38167th Universe775th Universe
Other notable versions of Jenny Nowhere
Nowhere IslandOriginal Parallax Jenny NowhereParallax Jenny NowhereMore