Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, Ibdis was a moody, pessimistic Vampire, as well as the roommate and principal henchman of the Lich Emperor Junter.


Physical appearance[]

Ibdis appeared as a thin young man with chalk-white skin and black hair. He had big, pointed ears, visible fangs, and a vertical scar over his left eye. He dressed in a dark blue cloak with a large red collar and a skull-shaped brooch. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond, PROSE: Meet the Undead) His fingers had large, pointed claws instead of fingernails. (COMIC: Simple Logic)


Ibdis was a glass-half-empty, pessimistic, oft-irritated individual, and frequently criticised his master Junter to his face, which Junter never took umbrage to — although he always remained loyal to the Lich Emperor despite his irritation. The Junterlings believed that Ibdis “had no goals”, although he did have one, buried wish of which he was ashamed, a childish desire to spend a day at the beach with a cartoon character. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond) Although having no trouble living among humans, he was unrepentant about feeding on them. (COMIC: Playa’)

Powers & abilities[]

Ibdis had all the powers and abilities of a Vampire; he was immune to magics like the Rune of Wanting, but weak to direct sunlight, which would make his skin briefly sparkle, then erupt into flames. Once out of the sun, however, he would quickly heal from this damage, and he could mitigate the effects by using an umbrella when walking about in daylight. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)


Rooming with Junter[]

Ibdis in Playa’

Ibdis feeds. (COMIC: Playa’)

At some point, Ibdis became roommates with Junter in an apartment that had the number 666. At the time, he was unemployed, which was more concerning to a deliveryman who once brought them pizza than the fact that he was a Vampire. (COMIC: Night of the Living Unemployed) In Junter's absence, he once brought a beautiful woman back to the apartment so he could feed on her. When he realised this, Junter stumbled in and interrupted him, much to Ibdis's annoyance. (COMIC: Playa’) He later listened as Junter ruminated about his numerous failed attempts to take over the world. (COMIC: MechaGiantJunterling)

Junter proceeded to kidnap the Pope and covertly bring him back to the apartment. Ibdis only realised this when a party of adventurers and heroes arrived at the apartment building, intent on defeating Junter and freeing the Pope. (COMIC: Adventurers and Heroes) Deciding to fight back, Junter set up a magical booby trap for Creed the Paladin in the form of a sword meant to fly up and dice him if he entered the corridor. However, as Ibdis was quick to point out, Junter had forgot to actually enchant the sword to do so, meaning the “booby trap” amounted to it just lying around uselessly. (COMIC: Back To The Drawing Board)

Eventually, Junter managed to get O.O.P. to drop it, only to walk back in to find the Pope gone. Ibdis awkwardly tried to claim that he had used his “holy powers” to escape, though in actual fact Ibdis had merely left the door open. (COMIC: Lack of Pope) As (un)life returned to normal, Junter tried to use his and Ibdis's guillotine for something, but forgot how to operate it yet again, forcing him to ask Ibdis, interrupting his reading of 101 Ways to Belittle. (COMIC: Simple Logic) Later, he also tried to prank Ibdis by pretending to be an intruder on the phone, with little success. (COMIC: Do You Like Horror Movies?)

The two then discovered that an “unspeakable horror” had taken over their bathroom following the transformation of the toilet bowl into an interdimensional portal. (COMIC: Evil Bathroom, Eldritch A-bowl-mination) At first, he tried to deal with the unspeakable horror by decorating it so as to try and make it into an inconspicuous element of the bathroom decor, but Ibdis was unimpressed, demanding a more permanent solution. (COMIC: Cthulhu Toilet)

Selling the apartment[]

Ibdis catches fire

Ibdis catches fire for the very first time. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)

After Junter failed to take care of the unspeakable horror that had taken over their bathroom, he and Ibdis decided to sell the apartment to a gullible buyer who would overlook the creature's presence, something Junter achieved by placing a Rune of Wanting over the threshold. However, with Mr Norman proving an instant sale and moving in immediately, the two were left without a place to spend the time, forced to remain in the streets. This bad luck was compounded by a sudden storm and the unexplained arrival of a pack of prowling hyenas. Nevertheless, the two managed to sleep through the night, only for Ibdis to be caught off-guard by the sunlight and catch fire, something which had never happened to him before. However, he quickly heals. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)

Visiting Kokotomo Island[]

Ibdis meets Bob

Ibdis meets Bob. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)

With Junter having found an interdimensional letter inviting the bearer to Kokotomo Island while fighting the unspeakable horror, the two soon headed to the Island in the magical white seaplane. Ibdis spent the trip criticising Junter for his rashness. After they arrived, Ibdis had to stop Junter from attacking Gin, and generally making a fool of himself among the many odd, interdimensional visitors to the island. Mr Montibar soon found the two, and sent Junter off to live out his fantasy. Ibdis tried to tell Montibar that he had no fantasy for him to accomplish, but Montibar, to his bafflement, already knew about his never-confessed dream and summoned “Bob” for him, with the two spending the day making sand-castles on the beach.

Ibdis also crossed paths with Nintendo, with the two hitting off sufficiently that they promised to call each other later, although Montibar believed that in the end they wouldn't. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond) He was seen strolling on the beach in the vicinity of Gertrude and Freya. (COMIC: 2014 KAMeo Kaper)

Eventually, he met up with Junter again and they took the plane back home, with Montibar looking on, amused that neither of the two powerful undead beings had realised he was himself a vampiric entity. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)


Ibdis meets Vampira

Ibdis meets Vampira. (COMIC: Real Estate-Related Pun)

Returning from their trip, Junter and Ibdis began looking for a new apartment. While Junter met with Herman Munster, Ibdis visited the Addams Mansion and Vampira. However, neither option proved viable: Ibdis was frightened off by Thing during his meeting with the Addams Family, and he and Vampira agreed that neither could bear to share territory when they recognised each other as fellow Vampires. (COMIC: Real Estate-Related Pun)

Staying at a dingy motel, (COMIC: Social Skills) they wasted some time editing recordings of their apartment-hunt into a montage. Eventually, Junter found a new home in a building allegedly filled with “quirky and interesting neighbours”. (COMIC: Social Skills) They indeed eventually moved there; the first impression given off by the building was a curious one, as it was adorned with stone gargoyles but one of them was holding a batch of flowers. (COMIC: Gargoyles and Daisies)
