Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Elizabeth Wimberley was a young Natari girl, the daughter of Kiana and George Wimberly.

Her mother was one of three Natari women who showed an interest in Wimberly after he helped subdue Nerkash the serpent. (COMIC: The Serpent Sorceress)

Notable elements of Kaza's Mate, Gwenna
Major Characters
GwennaKazaNulaCommissioner SmedleyGeorge Wimberly
Supporting Characters
CentenniaGanaJung-LaKianaLenore PeabodySerena PeabodySierraUzai
Alice MurattaGeneral MurattaMitchellNerlanaThe Serpent PriestThe SkullRo-ManMedea
Other characters
Android #709Jenny AnywhereThe Black OwlDanielle DavisGeorge DavisMiranda DavisNick DeForrestAndrea DoyleJenny EverywhereDeena HancockErnie MacGuffinFred “Junior” HancockThe Giant BadgerHerbie PopneckerMartha ElsworthMyoka NabatoNerkashCaptain NorangaNyotaSafraVan HornVincentElizabeth WimberlyZeb the Zebra
Kovari tribeLeague of ChampionsNatari tribeSerpent CultSisterhood
The Adventurers ClubAfricaBogana villageBurandaBuranda PassKoganaKogana RiverKoravi villageMacrobianaThe Naked JungleNatari villageObelisk of RangoraPort VictoriaTemple of the Serpent GodZamunda
Kooba Fruit PiesObelisk of RangoraSolomon's DiamondThemiscyran Throwing Necklace