David was a young man and Jenny Everywhere's boyfriend in one universe.
Physical appearance[]
David was a lean young man; he had light eyes and fair, slightly curly hair. His clothing style was described as “emo” by his girlfriend. (COMIC: My Bloody Valentine)
Meeting Jenny[]
At some point, although not himself possessed of particular supernatural abilities, David met, and entered a relationship with, his universe's version of Jenny Everywhere. Although they were only in the early stages of their relationship, (COMIC: My Bloody Valentine) not having slept together, or even really kissed, yet, (COMIC: Soulless Mate) he was invited to her house for Valentine's Day and decided to bring her a present. Aware of what kind of person Jenny was, he went to the insane length of selling his soul to a Hellhound of the Seventh Circle to obtain a copy of the Plasmanomicon to give her. (COMIC: My Bloody Valentine)
First Valentine[]
David indeed showed up to Jenny's house for Valentine's Day. The two began making out, but they were interrupted by a dizzy spell on Jenny's part (actually her consciousness involuntarily shifting through several alternative realities in the space of a few moments). A disappointed David agreed to leave, giving her the Plasmanomicon on his way out. (COMIC: My Bloody Valentine)
Captured by Shiva[]
Some time later, Jenny and David had planned their actual first date, to a concert. However, as Jenny was distractedly paging through the Plasmanomicon as she shifted to get them to the concert, her close-range teleportation failed, instead shifting the pair of them to another universe, a “Heaven” inhabited by Hindu Gods. The two were captured by Shiva, who cast them out into a “dense”, decaying universe. The two were soon restrained by the demon-like wretches who inhabited it, with David being tortured by a Cactus Demon whose spines tore at his face; however, thanks to Jenny's verbal guidance, he was soon able to reach a spiritual awakening which empowered him enough to frighten away the demons and, seemingly, restore his soul to him. After sharing a first kiss which Jenny, he helped her lead the demon-creatures to rebel against their unjust gods. As they reemerged in Heaven, Shiva congratulated the two, as this was in fact what he had meant to happen all along. (COMIC: Soulless Mate)
Later life[]
Following their adventure with Shiva, Jenny returned David to their original universe, where they took a walk in a picturesque park and discussed their relationship. Agreeing to consider the adventure their “first date”, David complimented her on the kiss, and Jenny saucily replied that “they hadn't been gone to bed yet!”. (COMIC: Soulless Mate)
Behind the scenes[]
- “Jenny Everywhere's human date” in My Bloody Valentine is unnamed; it is only in his reappearance in Soulless Mate that he was given the name of David.