Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Conquest-932 was a Clockwork Cherub and member of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids. He was the leader of the Triangular Society. (PROSE: The Case Against Conspiracy) Cupid Fact File #001 cited him as an example of a defective and malicious Clockwork Cherub. (PROSE: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids)


Early activism[]

When the Copper-Colored Council of Elders put up the Cupid Suggestion Box, Conquest left a note there suggesting that the Crew look into the idea of taking over the Interdimensional Tavern by force in order to lift the ban on romanticising its guests. The Council seemed to give it some consideration, but ultimately rejected the proposal. (PROSE: The Cupid Suggestion Box)

Founding the Triangular Society[]

Triangular Society

The first meeting of the Triangular Society. (COMIC: A Slight Misunderstanding)

Adopting the title of “Grandmaster” and trying to conceal his identity with a black hood and robes, the renegade ended up founding the Triangular Society, with the intent of overthrowing the Cupid Prime and Cupid Parliament. He held the group's first meeting in a shed, and soon found his attempts to strike a serious, ominous tone thwarted by the fact that one of his new, hooded recruits was under the impression that this was some kind of Halloween party, and asked when they'd start bobbing for apples. (COMIC: A Slight Misunderstanding)

Pythagoras-858 and Conquest-932 in Suspicious

Pythagoras-858 confronting Conquest-932. (COMIC: Suspicious)

Some time later, while walking around the Cupid Homeworld, Pythagoras-858 spotted Conquest-932 sneaking around in his hooded black Triangular robes. Pythe stopped him on his authority as Prefect of the Department of Problem-Solving, reasoning that he certainly looked like a problem in the making. Conquest tried to claim that his robes were not an emblem of evil but merely a way to protect his identity, something Pythe instantly disproved by pointing out that with such a relatively low overall number of Cupids, everybody knew everybody else and Pythe was well aware that he was talking to Conquest. (COMIC: Suspicious)

On Halloween, Conquest was transported alongside all the other Cupids to the Interdimensional Tavern by the Emergency Transport Button. He “nodded approvingly” at Foreman-964's suggestion of stealing Void Ships to get back to the Cupid Homeworld, which became moot when Lord Thymon arrived and proved capable of transporting them instead. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)

Destruction of the Cupid Parliament[]

Conquest-932 and unnamed Parliamentary Cupid

Conquest-932 and a member of Parliament prepare to blow up the Cupid Parliament building. (COMIC: Professional Endorsement)

Some time in November 2019, Conquest-932's plans with the Triangular Society reached a crescendo when he successfully dynamited the Cupid Parliament building. In this, he was unexpectedly assisted by a random Parliament-member who'd caught him in the act, and made a snap decision to get some catharsis by helping along instead of trying to stop him. (COMIC: Professional Endorsement)

Later activities[]

When Bibliophile-962 organised a Christmas party in the Department of Documentation's break room, Conquest, wearing his black robes and wielding a sword, attempted to intercept Larrikin-1029's delivery of a Christmas pudding prepared by Baker-954, shouting something about “destroying all baked goods so as to destroy the Homeworld's morale”. Larrikin, however, was able to get away unharmed, and with an intact pudding. (PROSE: Larrikin and the Christmas Pudding)

Conquest, under the alias of “Unnamed, But Very Threatening Individual”, was one of the Cupids who submitted a question to The Cupid Courier's educational Q&A about the Rifts with Doctor Sigma. However, like most Cupids in the Q&A, he simply used the opportunity to rave about his own personal hang-ups, in this case deliver an over-the-top villainous monologue about how Rifts should be the least of the Crew's worries, as he would soon organise a coup and take it over. He ended up accidentally revealing his identity partway through the speech. Doctor Sigma dryly replied to all of this that “these [were] not questions — these [were] absurd ravings”. (PROSE: Rifts Crisis Officially Over!)

At one point, Conquest was temporarily banished from the Cupid Homeworld. Ending up in the Jynx Dimension, he was taken on as an apprentice by the Dark Lord Nefarious and eventually persuaded Nefarious to take him back to the Homeworld. However, Nefarious died during his stay in the Homeworld and, instead of Conquest, it was Sebastian Steer who maneuvered himself into inheriting Nefarious's power. (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker)

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